have fun @ work day


Phoebe Potter

LuAnn Shoop and Amy Chamberlain have fun at work in the school office, tossing around a wood stock doll.

For most people, going to work is not the highlight of their day and is typically miserable. Have fun at work day encourages those who tend to dread going to work every day.

Have fun at work day is typically celebrated on the 28th of January, but is sometimes observed on the 29th.

In an idealistic world all jobs would be fun, however, the world is a cruel place that needs people to fill it with these rare moments of pure joy that makes each day is just a little more tolerable.

Even if your production level take a small decrease, it is definitely a risk to take. Especially for people who sit behind a cubicle all day hating life.

Although there is no documentation of the origin of this rad day, many companies incorporate this day to spread happiness that is not usually associated with the work day.

Secretary Amy Chamberlin stated, “There isn’t particularly one thing that we do to have fun, but I have my Woodstock to keep me company.”