FCA sets for another cereal drive

Cazen Cowfer

The annual cereal drive begins this week.

Quintin Nelson, Staff Writer

It’s that time of the year again, for this week kicks off the start of the annual cereal drive at Bellwood-Antis. This event is organized by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and is a big part of B-A’s school year.

Every year, students bring in boxes of cereal to help those in need. The cereal goes to the St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry in Altoona.

This is an important event for B-A and the Food Pantry because it shows that Bellwood’s kids want to help out.

“There are a lot of people that benefit from the St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry. Sometimes it’s single mothers who are working, or college students who just graduated and can’t get a job yet; they just need something to help to make ends meet,” said Mr. Lovrich, who is the advisor of the FCA program.

FCA students have already set a box inside each homeroom in which donations can be placed. The school record for the most boxes donated collectively between the high school, middle school and Myers Elementary  is 1,700 boxes in 2015.

Last year, all three schools raised 1,242 boxes of cereal, and the club hopes to beat that this year.

Mr. Lovrich said that Bellwood-Antis is the Food Pantry’s number one donor, so he encourages each student to donate. The homeroom that donates the most cereal in the middle and high school will win a pizza party!