It’s Not the Size of the Part; It’s the Quality of the Actor

Supporting Characters Love Their Roles in Annie

The stars of a play get most of the fanfare, but productions like B-A’s Annie wouldn’t be possible without contributions from talented supporting actors, like sophomore Revel Southwell.

Just because you’re not a lead in Annie doesn’t mean that you’re not a big part in the play.

Students like Addison Clemente, who plays a rich servant and a poor person, Nick Torsell, who plays Mr. Bundles the laundry man, and Luke Hollingshead, who plays Lt. Ward, are still a huge part of the play.

For the most part, they all love what they’re doing.

“I love it because I was never a part of it in previous years. So when I became a part of the musical program, I loved it. Best decision ever,” senior Nick Torsell said.

The staring cast is very close with the supporting cast.

“Well, these guys and girls have been my friends for a while now, so it’s a lot of fun,” sophomore Luke Hollingshead said.

Even though director Mr. Bower is demanding and expects perfection, it’s all for the good.

“Let’s just say I devote a lot of time to it, but it all pays off,” said freshman Addison Clemente.

Annie open Tuesday, May 6 and runs through Sunday, May 11 at the Bellwood-Antis High School Auditorium.

Rumor has it that practices have been pretty grueling, but the cast understands why.

“The practices push you to get it all right; you can’t expect to be prefect unless you are pushed to get it down,” Luke said.

Even though they are sad about it being Mr. Bower’s last musical most cast members still plan on being in musicals next year.

“Pretty sad because I know he has been around over 30 years. It’s pretty weird because he instructed my uncles in previous musicals and he’s leaving now,” Nick said.

Many of the cast have their favorite reason to enjoy their musical experience,  but Luke’s is by far the best,

“Just the overall experience of it, there so much to do, in so little time. I love it,” he said.

Even though these cast members aren’t a lead they still are a huge part of the play.

Addison said, “It’s still cool.  I feel like I don’t need to be a lead to do the things I love.”

Nick added, “It’s honestly fun. It doesn’t bother me that I’m not a lead because I enjoy my little role and everyone’s part is important.