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The Voice of the Bellwood-Antis Student Body

The BluePrint

The Voice of the Bellwood-Antis Student Body

The BluePrint

The Voice of the Bellwood-Antis Student Body

The BluePrint

Myranda Mamat

Myranda Mamat, Daily Dish Co-Editor

My name is Myranda Mamat and I have been in BluePrint for four years now. I write mostly on events that are happening around Bellwood, and I compose the occasional blog.

I hope to bring new information to students and parents about the community. In terms of other activities, I am secretary of the Senior Class and participate in golf and softball.

Outside of school you can find me with my friends, writing, playing golf, or on Tumblr.

All content by Myranda Mamat
Pygmalion was written by George Bernard Shaw and influenced My Fair Lady.

BOOKLIGHT: Pygmalion

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
May 15, 2017
B-A to hold annual STEM night

B-A to hold annual STEM night

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
April 25, 2017
Ryen Beam and Grace Misera, shown at a recent appearance on Central PA Live, are the two leads in Footloose, Ren and Ariel.

Meet the Footloose leads

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
March 24, 2017
Ed Sheeran released his new album Divide on March 10.

Ed Sheeran releases new album

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
March 21, 2017
There's a lot to be learned from the classics, but is the effort worth it?

Baby you’re so classic

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
February 16, 2017
Ms. Clippard stands in front of her bulletin board where her students can find information about their classes.

Day in the Life: Ms. Clippard

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
December 13, 2016
The Walking Dead is back October 23.

Top 9 shows to get ready to watch

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
September 27, 2016
Meet the Court: Saige

Meet the Court: Saige

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
September 20, 2016
Meet the Court: Karson

Meet the Court: Karson

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
September 20, 2016
Meet the Court: Grace

Meet the Court: Grace

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
September 20, 2016
Meet the Court: Alanna

Meet the Court: Alanna

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
September 20, 2016
Meet the Court: Abby

Meet the Court: Abby

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
September 20, 2016
Meet the Court: Sophie

Meet the Court: Sophie

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
September 20, 2016
Kara Engle got in the Red Nose Day spirit with one of the official filters on Snapchat.

Red Nose Day

Myranda Mamat, Daily Dish Editor
May 26, 2016
This is the month to get caught reading and show your love for books.

Get Caught Reading Month

Myranda Mamat, Daily Dish Editor
May 19, 2016
Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th

Myranda Mamat, Daily Dish Editor
May 13, 2016
Take a break from homework today.

No Homework Friday

Myranda Mamat, Daily Dish Editor
May 6, 2016
Hug a tree. It's  Arbor Day

Hug a tree. It’s Arbor Day

Myranda Mamat, Daily Dish Editor
April 29, 2016
Look Alike Day

Look Alike Day

Myranda Mamat, Daily Dish Editor
April 20, 2016
Spanish teacher Mrs. Smith is definitely an animal lover who takes a stand against animal cruelty. She's shown here with her beloved dog, Chi CHi.

Be kind to animals

Myranda Mamat, Daily Dish Editor
April 11, 2016
How important is your middle name?

Middle Names Day

Myranda Mamat, Daily Dish Editor
March 11, 2016
Computers and cell phones should be off during National Unplug Day.

National Unplug Day

Myranda Mamat, Daily Dish Editor
March 4, 2016
The Jaffa Shrine Circus is the closest Central PA gets to a carnival this time of year.

Carnival Day

Myranda Mamat, Daily Dish Editor
February 27, 2016
Stacks and stacks of books at the Bellwood-Antis library ... that's what National Library Month is all about.

An personal testament to libraries

Myranda Mamat, Daily Dish Editor
February 24, 2016
The Beatles first performed on  the Ed Sullivan Show on February 9, 1964.

The Beatles in America

Myranda Mamat, Daily Dish Editor
February 9, 2016
Buddy Holly's most popular song was "Peggy Sue."

The Day the Music Died

Myranda Mamat, Daily Dish Editor
February 3, 2016
Reading is a favorite hobby of many people.

Hobby Month

Myranda Mamat, Daily Dish Editor
January 29, 2016
Carter Biggers leads the PMEA District 6 Band in rehearsal Thursday.

BA Hosts District Band

Myranda Mamat, Daily Dish Editor
January 29, 2016
It all started with two turntables, two records and a microphone.

National DJ Day

Myranda Mamat, Daily Dish Editor
January 20, 2016
B-A students are enjoying this "nothing" weekend in the best way possible: a four-day weekend with nothing going on at school.

It’s just a do nothing day

Myranda Mamat, Daily Dish Editor
January 16, 2016
Technology is a fact of life celebrated today.

National Technology Day

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
January 6, 2016
Leaders of women's suffrage statue on Capitol Hill featuring Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony and Lucretia Mott.

Human Rights Day

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
December 10, 2015
Get you credit cards ready ... it's time to do some shopping.

Black Friday

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
November 27, 2015
Beautiful Day Day

Beautiful Day Day

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
November 20, 2015
Several veterans of the United States Armed Forces were on hand Monday at Bellwood-Antis's annual Veterans Day Assembly.

We honor veterans on this day

Myranda mamat, Staff Writer
November 10, 2015
Find a book you love and read it today.

Book Lovers Day

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
November 6, 2015
Ethan McGee and Noah D'Angelo  are two students liable to overdo it when it comes to candy corn.

National Candy Corn Day

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
October 29, 2015
 Ellen DeGeneres is one of many famous talk show hosts you can celebrate today.

TV Talk Show Host Day

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
October 23, 2015
Cupcakes are just one of the delicious treats you can use to celebrate National Dessert Day ... as if you needed a special day!

National Dessert Day

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
October 14, 2015
Nevin Wood ties his buddy Jason Shade's shoes, not because Jason can't do it, but because it's nice.

National Do Something Nice Day

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
October 5, 2015
Ethan McGee named his Versa Little Susie.

National Name Your Car Day

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
October 2, 2015
B-A grad Laura Cherry is making her dreams come true with her recently opened barbershop on Main Street.

Featured Alumni: Laura Cherry

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
September 26, 2015
These tenth grade girls are hardcore when it comes to proper punctuation.

It’s Punctuation Day!

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
September 24, 2015
The new Class Messenger  system will allow parents and students to receive school messages through several outlets, including texts messages.

New to BA: Class Messenger

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
September 2, 2015
Caroline Showalter dominating it on the softball field.

BMOC- Caroline Showalter

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
March 20, 2015
Anna Wolfe pushes hard in a relay race

BMOC: Anna Wolfe

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
February 13, 2015
Yearbook information for Seniors

Yearbook information for Seniors

Myranda Mamat, Staff Writer
November 7, 2014
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