Teacher Feature: Ms. Berliner

A View on Art from an Expert


John Geyer

Ms. Berliner, B-A Art Teacher

At Bellwood-Antis, we pride ourselves in a diverse set of curricular areas that help students grow on a daily basis. We also pride ourselves in the extra-curricular activities that are offered to students. Enter Ms. Berliner, Bellwood-Antis Art teacher since 2014.

I was curious about what it’s like to be in the art room, so let’s brush off the sculptures with this edition of Teacher Feature and ask Ms. Berliner a few questions.

I first asked why she chose art as her major, and she responded, “Believe it or not, I wasn’t originally going to school for teaching art. I first was teaching art therapy before I went to teaching education.”

I then asked Ms. Berliner about her thoughts on art that has been coming out recently. She told me happily, “Art is constantly changing, so I love to see what might pop up next.” It’s optimism like that which gives life to our students and art curriculum.

I was intrigued to hear what Ms. Berliner thought was the best part about teaching, which led to my next question. Ms. Berliner chuckled and replied, “My favorite part is when the students are inspired to try something new and expand their arms to the creative world.”

To conclude this interview, I asked Ms. Berliner if she had any encouraging words for students this year. Ms. Berliner replied with, “Try something new, make new mistakes and learn from them.”

This interview was quite interesting, and I’m delighted to have had the chance to learn this much about Ms. Berliner. She’s an eager spirit to thought, and she has open arms to new ideas.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s Teacher Feature. Stay tuned for the next episode…