Behind the Scenes of the Bellwood Buzz
Shawna and Kole working on information for the Bellwood Buzz.
We had the chance to catch up with Shawna Lovrich and Kole Dickinson, members of the BAMS Tech Club who run the morning announcements program each day. They both work behind the scenes and in front of the camera, and they love doing it!
Here’s a Q&A with a few of the stars of the Bellwood Buzz.
Question: Do you like being on The Bellwood Buzz?
Shawna: Yes.
Kole: Yes, because it’s something to do in the morning.
Question: What is your favorite part about the Bellwood Buzz?
Shawna: Announcing.
Kole: My favorite part is announcing in front of the whole school.
Question: Would you rather work behind the scenes or on camera?
Shawna: Behind the scenes.
Kole: I like being on camera and helping out behind the scenes.
Question: Do you get nervous that you are going to make a mistake?
Shawna: I do get nervous.
Kole: I did, but now that I did it multiple times, I’m not that scared anymore.
Question: Do you like what you do on the Bellwood Buzz?
Shawna: Yes.
Kole: Yes, I like what I do on the Bellwood Buzz.
Stay tuned to see these stars appearing on the Bellwood Buzz. But if you don’t actually see them on the set, then you’ll know why. That means they’re working behind the scenes to bring the news to our school.