Happy birthday Band-Aid

The sticky bandage that every kid needs was invented in 1921


Everybody’s favorite adhesive medical supply celebrated a birthday this week.

Thanks Band-Aids, for fixing the wounds on kids so we don’t have to hear them whine.

The Band-Aid was first invented this week in 1921 by Earle Dickson. He felt the need to make it because his wife would always cut her fingers while cooking. I would assume it took her forever to cover her wound, and Earle probably didn’t want blood in his biscuits.

Thus began a long history of Band-Aids for boo-boos.

Remember when you were little and got a Band-Aid and suddenly the boo-boo didn’t even matter. Whether the problem was a bruise, a scrape, or a bee sting, if you had a Band-Aid on it everything was better.

Band-Aids fix everything and are given around willy-nilly.

High school English teacher Mrs. Carol Bartlett said, “I don’t have a supply of them, but I get asked for a Band-Aid about three times a day.”

High school nurse, Mrs. Kelly Hoover, who recently transferred from Myers Elementary, can relate to kid’s obsession with Band-Aids.

“A kid would come into my office that had a cut from three days ago that was already scabbed over and ask for a Band-Aid,” she said.

The first Band-Aid was a small piece of gauze, tape, and Dickson covered it in crinoline to keep the wound sterile.

Dickson showed his boss, James Johnson, of the company Johnson & Johnson and made the invention public. At first, the Band-Aid’s sales were slow until the company decided to give free Band-Aids to Boy Scouts.