Feature teacher: Mr. Goodman takes a sabbatical
Mr. Goodman will be saying goodbye for the 2020-2021 school year next week when he begins his sabbatical.
January 12, 2021
High school science teacher Mr. Goodman will be leaving Bellwood-Antis for the second half of the 20-2021 school year to take a sabbatical, studying the areas of Meteorology, Climatology. and Oceanography through Cal U.
Mr. Goodman chose to take this sabbatical as a once in a lifetime opportunity. It was offered to him as a grant and he applied and gratefully received it. This opportunity will definitely benefit him as a teacher because he is getting the opportunity to work with some experts in earth science. He has mentors in Montana and Hawaii who have a great amount of experience to share with him.
“Working with meaningful data and great professors can only improve my knowledge, and understanding of the sciences,” said Mr. Goodman.
He has hopes for his students that once he leaves they will continue to learn and be successful earth science students.
Overall, Mr. Goodman is confident that this will bring new opportunities and successes in his near future, so it could help improve him as a teacher.
“I enjoy working with students and will miss the ninth grade group,” Mr. Goodman shared.
Mr. Goodman has taught at B-A since 1995. Along with teaching earth science he is the advisor of the Chess Club and he has spent time over the years helping to advise PJAS.
Residing in Spruce Creek, Mr. Goodman has two children who attend the Tyrone Area School District.