Mini-Thon basket raffle planned
Mini-THON is still raising money, although its dance event was cancelled.
COVID has taken its toll on many activities at Bellwood but few have been shut down and most find a way to survive.
Mini-Thin has been caught somewhere between that. It hasn’t been shut down but it isn’t thriving as it would be during a normal school year.
Normally mini-Thon would have tens of thousands of dollars raised by now, and it would have completed its annual day-long dance event to raise money for the Four Diamonds and the fight against childhood cancer.
The Bellwood-Antis mini-Thon committee going to have a basket raffle because it has been successful in the past years.
The group also gets a lot of donations through local businesses and since COVID hit, local businesses have been hurting.
Because of COVID restrictions regarding spacing and attendance limits, any donations for the basket raffle will be made using Donor Drive. More information about how to participate will be communicated at a later date.
The committee is trying to put baskets together so if volunteers can put a basket together sign up outside Mr. McNauls room, they are thinking of having the raffle in the middle of may.