Where are the morning announcements? The question has been stirring through the Bellwood-Antis School District for almost a week now. The answer: maintenance and the learning to use new equipement.
The BluePrint has adopted the morning announcements and is working to improve the news studio!
“The Bellwood-Antis Foundation was very generous in helping us to remodel the upstairs studio, and we spent the summer purchasing new equipment. It’s not totally ready, but it’s getting there, and it’s good enough now that we can start announcements,” assures Advisor Mr. Naylor.
The additions range from new furnishings, soundproofing foam around the walls, and better technology. The plan is to use all this new equipment and make the announcements a better experience and better quality.
“We want to take a step forward in our video production and podcasting this year, so the announcements seemed like a logical start for us. I pitched the idea to Mr. Schreier last year and he was on board. It will be a learning process for a while, but we’re ready to give it a shot and make it a regular part of the experience when people log onto the BluePrint homepage.”
The plan is to start broadcasting the announcements via YouTube on Wednesday, September 11th.