Because the Bellwood-Antis football team this year had the highest amount of injuries in a season on record at B-A, the school decided it was time to let it go and replace it with an esports team. This has been in consideration for years now, as more and more kids suffer injuries from the sport.
In the meantime, Esports have been getting more and more popular, and Bellwood figured it would not only have more participation from students, but also have more people come to watch.
”I’m happy Bellwood is getting with the times, it’s great to see,” said senior Zach Gonzalez.
The esports team will focus on three games, Fortnite, Mario Kart, and Valorant. Sign ups begin February 29th at the Media Center. It’s reported that Bellwood is currently looking for coaches and people to design uniforms.
The games will all be played in person, due to how many people in the area having poor connection. The players will go to the schools in which they play for the same reason.
Other schools are also following Bellwood’s footsteps. Altoona, Hollidaysburg, Glendale, and also Central all plan to get one roughly the same time. However, they plan on keeping their football teams around for at least a few more years.
It’s also possible to earn scholarships from various colleges during this league. Colleges such as Juniata, Saint Francis, Lock Haven, and IUP all reported possibly giving out full ride scholarships to the best of the best.