It’s Mr. Steal Yo Girl
This Instagram post was the one that put Kyrie Irving in the news for all the wrong reasons.
Kyrie Irving has been on the news a lot the last day. But as normal for any athlete, it’s not good news. Now Kyrie’s news isn’t about what he did, it’s more than likely what he didn’t do.
Kyrie Irving is the star point guard for the Cleveland Cavaliers, a prized NBA franchise. He played his college ball for Duke and left after his first season to be the number one overall pick in the 2011 draft.
He started dating 20 year old R&B artist Kehlani sometime in January. She had just broken up with her previous boyfriend PartyNextDoor a 22 year old rapper. Things appeared to be going well for Kyrie and Kehlani, but on Monday, March 28, it all went downhill for Kyrie.
A picture surfaced on PND’s Instagram of the rapper and Kehlani in a bed together, holding hands, with the caption, “After all her shenanigans, still got the r&b singer back in my bed.”
Two assumptions can be made from this post. One, PartyNextDoor is now the most hated man in the universe for using the word shenanigans in a sentence. And two, Kehlani must be cheating on Kyrie.
Every social media outlet blew up after this post was seen by the public. Instant hate was thrown at Kehlani and Kyrie was ridiculed for losing his girl.
The following day, Kehlani tried to take her own life from all of the accusations and ended up in the hospital. She now gives thanks to PND for “keeping her alive.” As if a guy that uses the word shenanigans could ever be a doctor.
That same day, Kehlani gave her side of the story. “I am severely utterly in love with my first love. Went thru a bad breakup and ended up easing into a relationship with a man who was one of my bestfriends. Tho we realized we both weren’t exactly at a time where we were prepared to do so.”
She can’t spell words and makes common grammatical errors. At least she can make decent music! Wait has anyone ever heard one of her songs?
On Kyrie’s side, he should be more embarrassed that he got friendzoned.
Kyrie spoke to the media as well. “Me and Kehlani were not dating when the picture came out. It’s unfortunate that it’s received so much attention but it’s become bigger because of a post that was misunderstood. Nothing but love and compassion over this way for her and her family. My only focus is on the game I love to play every night.”
So this whole fracas was just a misunderstanding brought upon by the press and Kehlani’s “shenanigans”. Props to Kyrie for handling his friendzoning like a man.
Let’s hope his performances don’t go downhill because it’s not like the Cavaliers have any other stars. Just goes to show Kyrie ain’t ready for the big time – he’s no Nick Young
Ms. Trostle • Apr 12, 2016 at 12:22 pm
Noah – I’ve really enjoyed reading all of your articles this year… great writing (very entertaining)!