Top CW Shows
CW Shows
September 14, 2018
The CW is a T.V. channel that has some very interesting shows. Mostly focusing around sci-fi, the CW comes up with some creative things. They are also known for their selection of DC shows. I am a huge DC fan, so this is my favorite channel.
The 100-(2014)
The 100 is a post-apocalyptic show based off of the novel by Kass Morgan. Jason Rothenberg had high hopes for the book and released the show before the book came out. The show was the first non-superhero show to reach more than four seasons. The show also featured the first bisexual lead character on the CW. This is a very popular show with a 90% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is a pretty big accomplishment. Although, if Jason keeps killing loved characters off, such as Lexa and Lincoln, he will not be in a good spot.
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow-(2016)
Legends is one of the most, if now the top, popular DC shows. This is one of those shows that doesn’t really seem to have a main character, but focuses on a group of individuals, such as the White Canary/ Sara Lance and Atom/ Ray Palmer. The CW is doing a good job at representing the LGBTQ+ community because this show also has a bisexual character, Sara Lance, who is my favorite character in the show. I also like the comedic feel that comes with the show. This is definitely one I would recommend to watch.
Supergirl is one of the most popular shows that features some serious girl-power. This show has inspired young girls and young adults and has taught them to defy expectations. Like the other CW shows, they have a good representation of the LGBTQ+ community through Alex Danvers, Kara(Supergirl’s) sister. The show features a very large female cast, such as Melisa Benoist, Chyler Leigh, and Katie McGrath. If you want a show that you can watch with the family, this is one I would definitely suggest.