Myers Second Graders Picnic and Play

Classes Go to Bellwood Community Park for Games and Fun


Allie Morgan

Second Graders From Myers Had a Fun Time Tuesday at the Bellwood Community Park.

Teachers Mrs .Naylor, Mrs. Coleman, Mrs. R Miller, and Mrs .Dionis took Myers Elementarysecond graders to the Bellwood Community Park on Tuesday to learn about teamwork and sportsmanship.

They had a chance to play on the playgrounds there and later had a picnic.

The trip has been a part of the end-of-school tradition at Myers for about 15 years, the teachers said.

When they arrived at the park, the second graders also had activities waiting for them. “We set up activities for the kids such as the crab walk, a three legged race, and a sack race,” second grade teacher Mrs. Naylor said.

The 2nd grade teachers came up with games that taught the students different things.

My favorite part of coming to the park was to be able to have all of the other kids around to play with.

— Kailynn Hinish

“We have games directed towards teamwork as well as directions. The second graders all came dressed to resemble a team,” Mrs.Naylor said.

Second grader Kailynn Hinish said she loved the field trip, but had one particular reason why.

“My favorite part of coming to the park was to be able to have all of the other kids around to play with,” said Hinish.

Parents of the second graders volunteered their time and donated food and drinks to help make the field trip possible.