Comic Book Heroes Go Mainstream

B-A Comic Readers Sound Off on the Popularity of the Once-Fringe Pastime They Love


Everybody is aware of the popularity of comic book characters like Spiderman, X-Men, Captain America, Superman, Iron Man, and more. They’re gaining more and more fans the more movies and TV shows continue to be made.

How do comic book fans feel about the upswing of comic book characters?

Band director and comic reader Mr. Pat Sachse said that he likes it when the movies are true to the comics and that some do a really good job, while others don’t.

Sachse said that he has no problem with new people joining the fandoms of comics.

“If a comic book movie gets someone to read a good, quality comic book, it’s great,” Sachse said.

Sophomore Millie Gorman said she had mixed feelings about the new popularity and finds it annoying when new people enter the fandom right away.

“I tend to test people about it,” she said.

If a comic book movie gets someone to read a good, quality comic book, it’s great.

— Band Director Mr. Sachse

Sophomore Ryan Daley said that it’s sweet that comic heroes are becoming more popular and that he wants there to be more movies based on comic book characters.

Sophomore Connor Himes also agreed that it’s sweet that they’re becoming more popular.

“I think it should be this way,” Himes said.

Himes and Gorman also agreed that there should be more movies based on comics.

There are many movies that are based on comic books and well known characters in the Marvel/DC world. For example, The Avengers hit #1 in the box office of a total of $623,357,910 in America, while worldwide the movie made a total of $1,518,594,910.

Daley said that his favorite movies based on comic books have to be Tim Burtons’ Batman, Avengers, Captain America 2, Iron Man 3, and Dark Knight.

Himes said that his favorite movie is Captain America: The Winter Solider.

Gorman said that her favorite movie is the new X-Men movie that just recently came to theaters.

Not only are the movies and TV shows becoming popular, but so are the heroes and villains from the comic book world.

Himes said that his favorite villain is Loki from Thor, while Daley’s favorite hero is Batman. Gorman’s favorite villain is Harley Quinn from Batman.

Daley said that his favorite comic book is Deadpool, a mercenary and anti-hero appearing in comics published by Marvel. Deadpool is famous for his talkative nature and his tendency to break the fourth wall.

Himes said that his favorite is Captain America, a superhero who’s published by Marvel. Captain America is the alter ego of Steve Rodgers, a frail young man who was enhanced to the peak of human perfection by an experimental serum in order to aid the United States governments’ imminent efforts in World War II.

Gorman’s favorite comic book is the new 52 Harley Quinn issue of her own comic series that revolves around her life.

Some comic lovers hope to see the rise of comic book characters’ popularity increase more and more so others can also experience the wonders of mutants and their adventures to either save the world or destroy it.