Linchpins: Mrs. Chamberlin and Mrs. Shoop
Office secretaries make the school function with behind-the-scenes effort
Mrs. LuAnn Shoop and Mrs. Amy Chamberlin bring more than 50 years of experience to work with them everyday in B-A’s high school/middle school office.
January 21, 2022
Many people look at the principals and superintendents as the most important people in the high school and middle school offices, but without Mrs. Amy Chamberlin and Mrs. LuAnn Shoop, the main office secretaries, they wouldn’t be able to do what they do.
Mrs. Chamberlin and Mrs. Shoop have become linchpin members of the Bellwood-Antis school community, and it’s hard to imagine the school functioning as well as it does without them.
Not only do the ladies drop off work to teachers and call home, they also help schedule days for the sick and absent staff. They are the first lines of the school’s communication on the phone and by email. They handle teacher requisitions and disciplinary referrals. They play a part in organizing principals’ schedules. There really isn’t much they don’t do.
“Mrs. Shoop and Mrs. Chamberlin are valuable assets to our school building community,” said high school principal Mr. Richard Schreier. “They each work hard to ensure the day runs as smoothly as possible for the teachers and students. I enjoy working with them and appreciate their efforts each day.”
Mrs. Chamberlin and Mrs. Shoop have been working for the B-A school district for over 55 years combined. In fact, Mrs. Chamberlin has been the high school secretary for 33 years. She said the hardest part of her job is “seeing all the seniors from over the years graduate.” Her favorite part of working at B-A is talking to the students and watching them come into ninth grade being a little nervous and unsure and then seeing them in twelfth grade much more mature and confident.
Mrs. Shoop, meanwhile, has been the middle school secretary for 22 years. She said the hardest part of her job is “students not always being kind.” Her favorite part of her job is having a great boss and coworkers.
For their part, Mr. Schreier and middle school principal Dr. Donald Wagner, appreciate the time and effort the ladies put into doing their job well.
“They both go above and beyond to help the schools run smoothly,” Dr. Wagner said. “It’s not uncommon for them to come early to make sure we have enough substitutes, work non-stop all day, and then stay late to make sure students make it home safely. Although they often work out of the limelight, their contributions to BA are invaluable and much appreciated.”
From time to time Mrs. Chamberlin and Mrs. Shoop have their hands full and need a little help delivering items to classrooms and picking up kids. That brings in B-A’s office helpers, students who spend study halls in main office assisting with chores and odd jobs.
A couple, Dailyn Hampton and Aarron Laird, have had nothing by fond memories working with Mrs. Chamberlin and Mrs. Shoop.
Dailyn said the office ladies usually have everything under control, but some days the ladies have a lot of work on the hands and she helps by running papers to teachers, among other tasks.
Aarron said working in the office has been one of his favorite high school memories.
The office ladies are very important people in our high/middle school and Bellwood wouldn’t be able to do anything without them.