Variety Show set for next week
Malia Danish plays piano at the 2017 Variety Show.
February 6, 2018
The 2018 Variety Show is set for Tuesday, February 13 in the auditorium.
The show begins at 7:00 pm in the high school auditorium.
The show was revived last year after it was dropped for several years.
Before the show there will be a spaghetti dinner in the high school Café from 4:30-7:00. Tickets for the spaghetti dinner will be available in the District Office or at the door. The cost of the tickets are $6. You can eat in or eat out.
The money raised for this event goes to the Bellwood-Antis District Foundation, which grants money to teachers for classroom projects.
There are many different acts showing at the Variety Show. There will be, Vocals, Dance and students will be preforming a combination of the instrumental and vocal.
“Last year, we raised over $3,000, but more importantly, students were able to showcase their individual talents to the community,” said middle school teacher and Variety Show organizer Mr. Travis Martin.