ISPs should provide the services and quit complaining


A decision should be coming by the end of the month on the controversial issue of Internet neutrality.

Chad Luennsman, Student Contributor

Net neutrality is the practice by which internet service providers (ISP’s) would treat all internet traffic or packets of data in the same way.  For example, supporters of net neutrality would be in favor of ISP’s not charging extra for companies that need larger bandwidth and better connection in order to keep customers happy.  Opponents of net neutrality oppose government regulation.

However some opponents are in it to further their own company.  This practice angers those who want start-ups or smaller providers to be in the game.  They feel when big companies flex their monetary muscle the smaller companies can’t compete.

ISP’s should not be allowed to charge more for services.  If anything, ISP’s should charge the companies using the extra bandwidth. But these companies are already paying ISP’s to promote their service.  But if ISP’s adopted this practice formally, the amount of competition in the market would decrease. It would be a game of money, which is usually what everything boils down to. It would crush smaller competitors that aren’t necessarily trying to hurt one of the big-name internet companies like Netflix, but are simply providing a service that’s not about the name.

It’s not unfair that ISP’s have to upgrade their own infrastructure in order to handle heavier data loads.  That’s the job of an ISP – provide internet! Do what you have to do in order to provide customers with the access to the internet they want and need. It’s what they paid for, so upgrade and give them what they want.