It’s Punctuation Day!

{Or is it, Its Punctuation Day. (or ?)}

Myranda Mamat

More stories from Myranda Mamat


These tenth grade girls are hardcore when it comes to proper punctuation.

How much does punctuation mean to you?

Is it important to you, or does it not matter at all?

Do your friends criticize you when you use correct punctuation? Or is it when you use it wrong?

Whatever it is, today is National Punctuation Day.

LL Cool J/YouTube

Punctuation day is a day dedicated to the apostrophes’, the semicolons, and the your and you’re mixed words of the English language.

But the day aside, how important is punctuation to you? Is it even used anymore?

Now many students get marked these days for having  the wrong use of punctuation on an essay.

One reason it’s a problem is that most people today send text messages that are sent without punctuation.

Sophomore Sidney Patterson said she uses punctuation marks in certain situations. For example, when using Twitter, she said, punctuation isn’t always appropriate because the app only allows 140 characters per tweet.

Freshman Kaelynn Behrens says for her punctuation isn’t a thing of the past.

Punctuation Explained by Scratch Garden/YouTube

“When I am texting I only punctuate sentences that are questions, exclamatory, or part of a paragraph. I do not punctuate one word answers or simple sentences.,” she said. “I do punctuate a fair amount when I’m texting though.”

The same can be said for senior Kala Wooten.

“I use it the most at school when my grade depends on it,” she said.

For many it is a given to use punctuation.

“I use it the most in school and online because there’s really no reason to be illiterate. It really bugs me when I don’t use it and when other people don’t use it,” said junior Shaniah Miller.

The punctuation of this article needs to be perfect because it is going to be seen by the general public.

Likewise people who post things on Facebook may not worry too much about their grammar or punctuation, but they can definitely get called out on it. What is worse, you could get called out on your punctuation and your boss sees it?

So before you post something on the internet, check before you post.