Blue Angels looking for wrapping help
There are hundreds of presents that need wrapping this year, and the Blue Angels are seeking help form the student body.
December 12, 2016
The Blue Angels are in the middle of wrapping presents for the holiday season to give to needy families in the area.
There’s so much that goes into this project that the Blue Angels are asking for students to come out and help this December 13 and 14.
The Blue Angels will be wrapping gifts in the hitting facility, which is the old bus port building behind Memorial Stadium.
Each year, Blue Angels places trees in the high school lobby and other areas around the district. The trees have tags containing specific gift wishes and needs of area youngsters whose families are unable to provide gifts for the holidays.
Students, teachers, and other community members take the tags, purchase gifts, and place them back at the tree.
The Blue Angels have been around for seventeen years helping families on the Bellwood-Antis community, along with foster children who don’t have families.
“Knowing you are helping families in our community makes all the effort worth it,” said Mrs.Nycum, one of the members of Blue Angels. “I am so thankful that Crystal Himes has been able to organize this wonderful program for so many years.
Wrapping for the Blue Angles is a way for B-A students to earn community service hours; however last year only five students showed up to assist.