A load of barnacles


Jenna Bartlett

You can learn a lot from Spongbob Squarepants.

After reading most of my articles, I really hope you haven’t thought they’ve been a load of barnacles. But today, this one will purposely be a load of barnacles.

Ever since my brothers and I were little, we’ve watched the little yellow sponge on Nickelodeon, Spongebob Squarepants. My parents, of course, watched it too, but they didn’t realize how many quotes and things that the characters had said could relate to everyday life and the different situations that life brings. It’s rumored the show was actually meant for adults; however, if you listen close enough, there are some seriously great life lessons that EVERYONE should listen to. Let’s have a look.

  1. Enthusiasm is everything — Every morning, Spongebob hops out of bed, and runs down the street saying, “I’m ready! I’m ready!” Occasionally, he’ll say something like, “go Spongebob, go Spongebob!” I’m not implying that every morning we should skip down Main Street saying this; however, we should have that go-getter attitude in the morning ready to take on whatever the world has to throw at us. GET READY!
  2. Necessary Marketing Strategies — If you plan on going into marketing in college, like me potentially, you should really watch the episode of Spongebob on chocolate, where he and Patrick go and try to sell some CHOCOLATE!!! Our yellow homie says to Patrick, “Remember Patrick, flatter the customer, make him feel good.”
  3. How to recognize business scams — Don’t fall into the Karate Island gimmick and end up on Timeshare Island instead. I understand those informercials and their great deals are extremely tempting, but remember, it’s probably a load of barnacles.
  4. The reality of a relationship — Spongebob and Patrick attempted to house a little clam and raise it; however, we all know how that went. They didn’t take into consideration each other’s needs and the result was, well, ugly. If you’re in a relationship, make sure to take part in what each other needs and wants; don’t be selfish. Each person in the couple has responsibilities; don’t be a Patrick and eat ice cream out of your brief case during “overtime”.
  5. Normal is boring — It’s important to understand that being classified as “normal” is SO OVERRATED. Be different, embrace the holes in your body and your square shape. Stay weird!
  6. Manners — Put your napkin on your lap, sneeze into your sleeve, and say please and thank you and so on and so forth and what have you. We know all these said manners, but the most important one as Man Ray reinforces, give someone’s wallet back to them, even if they deny it’s theirs…even if they still deny it and there’s a name tag with their picture on it.
  7. Starting is always the hardest — I hate essays; they’re awful. But if you start with THE on the top of your paper and outline it in pretty colors and put some design on it, I think you might be on to something.
  8. Embrace who you are — It doesn’t matter if you’re big or small or short or tall or blonde or brunette or 1st or 2nd place. Be ugly and proud, just like Spongebob.

So, as you can probably tell, Spongebob is a home for life lessons. He knows what’s up – he’s been around since 1999!

Psalm 37:23-24 — “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.”