Most Radioactive Cities in the World
These cities are interesting
April 1, 2019
In our ever-changing world of science, we discover many dangerous things, along with creating them. Unfortunately, this has led to a hand full of problems, mostly on cities. I am writing this for entertainment, as well as wanting to bring light to the subject.
Chernobyl, Pripyat, Ukraine
This is probably the most famous city on this list. This was the unfortunate result of a nuclear engineer who forced a test despite warnings given from the machines and other mechanics in 1986. His ignorance and cockiness took over and he made them run a test that simulated a black-out anyway. Unfortunately, the test went wrong, and the reactor blew up. Millions of people were exposed to radiation and 4 to 93 deaths were due to this. Sad thing is, the people of Pripyat were not notified right away, being exposed to amounts of radiation that could have been prevented if they had been evacuated sooner. Chernobyl will remain radioactive for thousand of years to come.
Somalia, Africa
This is quite an unfortunate place. There has been plenty of illegal dumping of toxic waste into the oceans. There is a slew of health problems from skin to organs. The barrels that washed up on the shores of Somalia are estimated to have been dumped there as far back as 1990. I hope that it gets taken care of so people in the can have a healthy life.
Sellafield, U.K.
This is one of the world’s first areas to have a nuclear power plant, placed near the Irish sea. Unfortunately, the plant has been dumping toxic water into the Irish Sea, making it the most radioactive sea in the world. The towns and cities surrounding the sea are no longer able to be inhabited, and probably won’t for a while. As of 2019, the plant is undergoing decommissioning and dismantling. Hopefully it helps restore the area.