Feature Teacher: Mr. Hallahan
Mr. Hallahan has been teaching computers and financial lit as a long-term substitute.
Mr. Hallahan is the new substitute for Mr. Erik Gabrielson, teaching computers and financial lit. The role was filled last semester by Nathan Pownall, who maxed out his days as a long-term substitute.
A Bellefonte graduate, Mr. Hallahan has ties to the local area through his wife, who is a Bellwood-Antis alum.
The BluePrint asked Mr. Hallahan a few questions to get to better know this long-term substitute.
BluePrint: What Brought you to Bellwood-Antis School District?
Mr. Hallahan: My wife is from this area and she went to B-A
BluePrint: How is everything going so far?
Hallahan: The start was a little rough and it took sometime to get situated, but everyone has been really helpful. Everything is going great.
BluePrint: Are you having fun?
Hallahan: I’m having a blast!
BluePrint: What are you certified in?
Mr. Hallahan: Health and PE, but I am looking to obtain another certification.
BluePrint: Where are you from?
Mr. Hallahan said: Pleasant Gap, PA
BluePrint: What college did you go to?
Hallahan: Penn State Altoona and Springfield College in Massachusetts.
BluePrint: Would you like for this to turn into a full-time job?
Mr. Hallahan: If that was a possibility that presented itself, I would absolutely consider it.
Thank you Mr. Hallahan for taking time out of your day to answer these questions.