Myers students unveil living wax museum
Ethan Hoover gave his presentation as one of the Wright Brothers.
March 15, 2016
Mrs.Brittany Crain’s and Miss Samantha Lenhart’s third grade students teamed up and presented their wax museum to board members, administration and parents on Monday and Tuesday.
The wax museum is a Project Based Learning assignment where students chose an important historical figure, researched their life and importance, and created a large poster summarizing the person’s life.
Those who walked into the wax museum saw students dressed up as the person they wrote their biography on lined up along the wall in a pose. Visitors pressed a button in order for them to “come alive.” Once they came to life they acted as if they were the person who they did the biography on and talked in first person point of view.
Both Mrs. Craine and Miss. Lenhart love this project.
Mrs. Craine loves to see the kid’s blossom because they have done the research.
“They know so much about these people and it’s really cool to see them to do well and really love it,” she said. “You just see a different side of your kids which is really cool.”
Miss Lenhart likes to see all the hard work that goes into these presentations.
“I don’t think there’s one student down there who is going to have a poor presentation because of the work that has been put into it,” she said.
Besides all the fun, there are plenty of benefits of this project.
Mrs. Craine thinks the project is beneficial because the students get to work with different classrooms.
“Working with another classroom is another benefit,” she said. “I think it’s cool that the kids get to learn from each other so it’s been really neat to see their ideas go from small to larger.”
Miss Lenhart agrees working with another class is a huge benefit.
“I think the classroom environment is a benefit,” she said. “They just became so much closer because through this project they been giving each other constructive criticism. It’s not just coming from us, it’s coming from their peers.”
The students and teachers have put hours, days, and weeks into this project, but they think parents also put a lot into this.
“I know we put a lot of work into it,” she said. “But like Mrs. Craine said, the students have put just as much work, and we couldn’t have had more support from the parents.”

In Central Pennsylvania, the Steelers are more than worthy of a spot in a wax museum.
Mrs. Craine agrees.
“I think the kids most importantly put so much into this that it’s just blowing everything out of the water. It’s just amazing,” she said.
Mrs. Craine is not sure if she can do it next year because she’s moving up to fourth grade with the same kids. She definitely plans on doing this in the future sometime.
“I think this would be great thing to do,” she said. “This is awesome.”
Miss Lenhart said, “I would love to do it again, however, it made it a lot easier co-planning with another teacher.”