CeCe Caporuscio is a talented artist.
May 10, 2018
Senior Cecilia has been working extra hard this year in her art classes, according to her teacher Mrs. Leah McNaul.
CeCe is creating dynamic works of art, and even selling some of them. She is our Artist of the Week.
CeCe has interest in all types of art, although painting is her favorite. She has been painting since she was around the age of 7, but was she was 14 she started to take the most interest.
“I have learned a lot from my high school art classes,” she said, most notable a lot of different techniques that have helped her improve herself as an artist.
“CeCe has made milestones in her technical skills since her first days walking into my class in seventh grade,” said art teacher Mrs. Leah McNaul. “What is more impressive is the jump in learned ability since last year. This year she has made thoughtful aesthetic choices, a more accurate application of color theory, and much better technical skill in the painting discipline. Her paintings express various sentiments of life and her chooses of color and brush strokes take the viewer on a well composed visual journey. CeCe’s progression of ability is what earned her the title of Artist of the Week and because of this her paintings have captured her peers.”
Cecilia likes to paint outside of school and is even able to sell her paintings, which she does at craft shows. She said she likes to paint unique and interesting things, but she also paints realistic subjects, since those are the types of paintings that sell better, she said.
One such painting, a starfish washed ashore on the beach, is one of the works that CeCe has created this year that earned her a mention from her teacher as a candidate ready to be recognized as Artist of the Week.

CeCe says that her realistic paintings sell better than her more abstract ones.