ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Tristan Claypoole


Kaelynn Behrens

Tristan Claypoole has shined this year in Home Economics.

Tristan Claypoole chose to take Home Economics because he wanted to learn how to prepare easy meals as he moves onto college in the upcoming year.

He’s made quite an impression on teacher Ms. Valarie Harris, and he has been chosen to be the BluePrint’s Culinary Artist of the Week.

Tristan said Home Ec. teaches students several useful skills they can use in the future.

“Mrs. Harris has taught me how to be patient while cooking and how to work with others,” he said.

He also said Mrs. Harris has easily became one of the best teachers he has had.

Tristan is a senior planning to move on to college after this year. As he plans to move forward, he will take several skills from Home Ec. with him.

“I will take skills such as communicating well with classmates and being patient,” said Tristan.

Although he has learned several many skills, he still has a few things to work on, including patience.

“Preparing and cooking food can often take awhile,” Tristan said.

There are a few skills Tristan has mastered throughout this year of Home Ec. class. For example, Tristan has mastered how to work very well with his classmates.

Home Ec. class has cooked many different foods this year, but Tristan’s favorite thing too cook would be chicken stir fry.