Outstanding painting by Hunter Gregg.
Normally it’s teachers who inspire students, but the creativity of one student has switched up the normal.

Hunter Gregg, a senior art student at BAHS, has brought his creativity to the art room. Art teacher Mrs. Leah McNaul has especially noticed this talent.
“It is inspirational to see Hunter’s drive to learn new things and explore media and tools that are unfamiliar to him,” Mrs. McNaul stated.
Hunter is being recognized this week for his outstanding talent. Along with Mrs.McNaul, he has been noticed by many peers around the school for his amazing creativity. Classmate Haley Campbell said, “Hunter’s work inspires me to think more creatively. The way he can portray his ideas on to canvas in an abstract, skillful manner is incredible.”
“I get my inspiration from the things I experience as a human being. Emotion has a lot to do with it. But, I am also inspired by other media creators,” Hunter claimed. Media creators such as Trixie Mattel, Stevie Nicks, and Ryan Murphy are some of his biggest inspirations.
He first started to get into art the moment he was able to pick up a pencil. Around the time Hunter was in tenth grade, he started to get more serious. Hunter spends a few hours on his work each day, and the longest he’s ever worked on a project for was three months.
“My only goals are to improve my artistic abilities and to try as many forms of art I can,” Hunter said.