Artist of the week- Lexi Diamond
Lexi Diamond has artistic skills in and out of the chorus room.
Alexandra Diamond is a multi-faceted artist with talents in many different areas. This week, she’s being recognized for singing and baking as the BluePrint’s Artist of the Week.
Lexi has enjoyed singing ever since she was little when she used to sing in church; she joined chorus when she was in fifth grade and it soon became a big part of her life. Her love and passion was fueled by her family. Lexi said they support and encourage her to be her best and encourage her to follow her dreams.
Lexis favorite artists are the Jonas Brothers, but there’s plenty more out there. She’s gotten her inspiration from all the people around her who encourage her to be her best at all times and push her forward.
She would like to continue signing in church and get involved with community theaters so around the area.
Along with singing, Lexi also enjoys to bake. One of her proudest achievements fin that field of art includes a brush with fame. Lexi had baked a Jonas Brothers album cake, which she posted a picture of on her Instagram only to have the Jonas Brothers Instagram liked her post.
Baking’s something she does for fun because she considers it a stress reliever, and it makes her feel good about herself. Her favorite thing to bake overall is cookies.
Lexi plans to keep improving and doing her best and we wish the best to her.